Body Beast / 21 Day Fix and Body Beast / 21 Day Fix Extreme Hybrids

Make sure you check out all of our hybrid schedules on our Hybrids page.

I’m so psyched for the first fitness collaboration between Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese, Master’s Hammer & Chisel, to come out in December 2015!  In the meantime, why not get pumped with a “pre-Hammer & Chisel” like hybrid using the best of Body Beast and 21 Day Fix (or 21 Day Fix Extreme)?  I’ve made a separate hybrid using the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts so use which ever one you have and/or prefer.

Body Beast Logo     2 Day Fix Logo     21 Day Fix Extreme Logo

In my opinion, Sagi is famous for his classic weight lifting and Autumn is known for her plyo/cardio and love of leg days so those are the workouts that I primarily used.  I followed the Body Beast (Huge) schedule as the baseline for the hybrid and incorporated the traditional recovery week like Tony Horton uses.  I alternated between Sagi and Autumn’s Ab workouts 3 days/week for variety.  We all know the benefits of Yoga and Pilates, so they are included too (alternating so you Yoga/Pilates “non-fans” won’t overdose 😉 )  Speaking of benefits, when you order from, you receive FREE Bonus Workouts so I’ve included them as well (with a basic alternative if you do not have the Bonus Workout).  In Phase 3, I gave the option of doing the Body Beast TEMPO (slow count) workouts for even more variety.   If you only have 60 days, then do Phases 1 and 2 only.

I hope you enjoy the hybrid(s)!  Feedback is welcome and appreciated. 🙂

To download both the Body Beast/21 Day Fix and Body Beast/21 Day Fix Extreme Hybrids in one file, click Here or the picture below.

Beast 21DF Hybrid cropped

OVER 7000 DOWNLOADS FROM JOHNTFITNESS: Click on the picture to download a printable pdf version of the Body Beast/21 Day Fix and Body Beast/21 Day Fix Extreme Hybrids and join thousands of others already doing our hybrid schedules!


Visit our Hybrids page to see all of our hybrid schedules

Posted in Blog, Fitness, Hybrids, Programs Tagged with: , , ,
3 comments on “Body Beast / 21 Day Fix and Body Beast / 21 Day Fix Extreme Hybrids
  1. Sherri says:

    When doing the hybrids of body beast and 21 day fix what nutrition program should I follow?

    • John T says:

      Hi Sherry–thanks for the question. That’s entirely up to you, and depends on what you hope to accomplish during the next 13 weeks. If you are in weight liss mode then sticking to the 21 DF plan or jumping right into the month 3 Body Beast plan would be appropriate as they are very similar. But if you are at your target weight and now want to add muscle via Body Beast then eat according to the First 2 months of Body Beast. It’s also similar with the addition of more carbs to give you more energy. What are your specific goals? Have you done both programs separately already?

      • Sherri says:

        Thanks for getting back to me so fast! Yes I have don’t both programs. Actually 2x on both. I am looking to lose weight and also build muscle. I will follow the nutrition program for the 21 day fix low on the carbs…thanks!