P90X3 Elite T25 Gamma Hybrid

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By popular demand here is a P90X3-T25 hybrid schedule that incorporates both the P90X3 Elite Upgrade workouts as well as Focus T25 Gamma phase.  I have recently begun studying to receive my Personal Trainer certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and have incorporated some principles of fitness program design into the schedule.  I guess you could say that right now I know enough to be dangerous.

P90X3 Elite T25 Gamma Hybrid

NASM Optimum Performance Training (OPT) Model

NASM’s OPT Model is an integrated training model designed to help clients build a foundation on stability and proper technique first before moving on to heavier weights and more intense exercises.  Both P90X3 and Focus T25 are designed with this philosophy in mind which explains much of the rationale as the programs progress from one month or phase to the next.  The model consists of 5 specific phases of training, and each phase is intended to be completed in sequence:



  1. Stabilization Endurance:  The goals of this phase of training are to increase muscle endurance while developing coordination, balance, and working the inner stabilization muscles of the core.  This phase employs mostly body weight exercises or unstable moves with relatively light weights, sometimes on one leg. Workouts like Total Synergistics and CVX in P90X3 are examples of Stabilization Endurance workouts, and Ab Intervals from the Alpha phase of T25 is a perfect example as well.
  2. Strength Endurance:  This phase enhances stabilization endurance while starting to build strength of muscles outside of your core (arms, legs).  It is also characterized by high rep/low weight resistance exercises.  A perfect example of strength endurance is The Pyramid from T25 Gamma.
  3. Strength/Hypertrophy:  This is the phase most people think about when it comes to resistance training–lifting heavy weights with low to moderate reps with the goal of achieving muscle growth.  P90X3’s Incinerator as well as Eccentric Upper are examples of hypertrophy workouts.
  4. Maximum Strength:  The goal of this phase is to achieve maximum strength as measured by your “1-rep max”.  Extremely heavy weight with very low reps characterize this phase.  None of the routines from P90X3 nor T25 fit into this phase–think Olympic powerlifting for this phase.
  5. Power:  The goals of the Power phase are to enhance speed and power, and this is typically accomplished by combining one strength move and one explosive move using the same muscle group in a superset with no rest.  This is the “Post Activation Potentiation” phase that appeared in P90X2 and is the basis for Complex Upper and Complex Lower in the P90X3 Elite workouts.
The P90X3 Elite – Focus T25 Gamma Hybrid Schedule
P90X3 Elite T25 Gamma Hybrid Preview

OVER 7000 DOWNLOADS FROM JOHNTFITNESS: Click the image to receive a full size printable version of the schedule and join thousands of others already doing one of my hybrid schedules!

CLICK HERE to receive a high-resolution printable version of the P90X3 Elite T25 Gamma Hybrid Schedule

I’ve taken four of the five phases of the model and created a hybrid schedule with 4 distinct phases.  Here are the key points:

Phase 1 Stabilization
  • 3 weeks long, 6 days a week plus an optional Rest/Stretch or Yoga day
  • Resistance workouts are primarily anchored by Total Synergistics and The Challenge
  • Ab Intervals is the featured core workout, although every workout in this phase focuses on core
  • Gamma Rip’T Up with its one-legged moves is appropriate in this phase
  • Everybody’s favorite T25 cardio routine Speed 2.0 appears once a week
Phase 2 Endurance
  • 3 weeks long, 6 days a week plus an optional Rest/Stretch or Yoga day followed by an X3-like Transition/Recovery Week
  • The Pyramid and Lower Focus are the primary upper and lower body muscle endurance workouts
  • Extreme Circuit where every move is one minute (except for the burnout rounds) builds muscle endurance (can you say weighted burpees?)
  • Dynamic Core is the featured core workout but like Phase 1 every workout focuses on core
  • Speed 2.0 appears once a week
Phase 3 Strength
  • 3 weeks long, 6 days a week plus an optional Rest/Stretch or Yoga day
  • This is Tony’s “you have to fail to succeed” phase where Eccentric Upper, Eccentric Lower and Incinerator all create hypertrophy or muscle growth
  • Speed 2.0 is replaced by Gamma Speed 3.0 and Total Body Circuit is added to provide another day of muscle burn
  • Now that your core is conditioned from the first two phases, X3 Ab Ripper with its compound moves can be used to isolate the core (X3 Ab Ripper follows Eccentric Upper and Lower resulting in ~45 minute workouts on those days–if you want abs, do it)
Phase 4 Power
  •  The final 3 weeks, 6 days a week plus an optional Rest/Stretch or Yoga day
  • This phase primarily relies on the Elite workouts Complex Upper and Complex Lower to achieve post activation potentiation (PAP) which results in increased power
  • I brought back MMX for cardio; I left it out of my earlier X3-T25 Hybrid but since then I have done it several more times and have really begun to enjoy it.
  • Perhaps my favorite workout T25 Core Speed is an option to Speed 3.0 in case you don’t get enough burpees
  • X3 Ab Ripper follows the Complex Upper and Lower workouts

Let me know what you think.  To download the complete printable schedule please click the link below.

 CLICK HERE to get the P90X3 Elite T25 Gamma Hybrid Schedule

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I am an Independent Team Beachbody Coach who found success using Beachbody's fitness programs and nutriton guides. I'm here to see that you have the same success I have had using Beachbody programs.

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13 comments on “P90X3 Elite T25 Gamma Hybrid
  1. Leo says:

    Can’t wait to see this new schedule! I finished the P90X3/T25 hybrid schedule you created after doing the P90X3 Classic first and really loved the variety of workouts and the added cardio that the T25 workouts provided. I sent you my email information for the new schedule and will either do the original P90X3/T25 hybrid you made again or this new schedule in a week or two(after my bruised ribs heal up from football haha)

    • John T says:

      Leo–glad you finished the other hybrid–did you get good results? The Elite Gamma schedule should be on its way now, let me know if you don’t see it soon.

  2. stefan says:

    Hi John, the Elite Gamma hybrid is excellent – you have put a lot of brain work into and it suits perfectly to my needs. I have done P90X1, P90X2, P90X3 and T25 several times but your hybrid brings it all to into a perfect fit!

    I absolutely can follow your thoughts why to bring which workout into the schedule. During I have read your description I said several time “yeas, John is right!” I am looking forward to my next 13 weeks – again thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    • John T says:

      You’re welcome Stefan! I’m glad you feel the same way as I do, of all my hybrids I really like this one the best. Enjoy and check back in a few weeks to let me know how it’s going.

      • stefan says:

        Puh, just finished my first round. Great mix but I am happy that I have done P90X3 and T25 prior – throwing in a workout like “the challenge” would have killed me. On the other hand I agree John, easy workouts like speed 1.0 are not beneficial for being more advanced people. I think the second month is doable… we will see. Thanks!

        • John T says:

          Glad you like it so far Stefan 🙂 Others who have completed this Gamma hybrid have said that the second phase was the most challenging! Keep me posted.

  3. Nox Dineen-Porter says:

    This looks fantastic, I can’t wait to try it.

  4. mike says:

    Great hybrid! Hits everything. I especially enjoyed the first 7-8 weeks. Lots of variety and still leaves you feeling like you got a great workout in everyday.

    The last two blocks, I have to say, are pretty tough. Eccentric Upper, Speed 3, Core Cardio and Total Body Circuit all in the same week makes for a long 6 days of workouts.

    • John T says:

      Glad you enjoyed it Mike. Yes the second half is definitely a grind. What’s next for you?

      • mike says:

        I think I’m going to try another round of Max 30. We’ll see. It’s the only program I have completed only once. I have a copy of your MAX 30 P90X3 hybrid too.

  5. Dolph Gordon says:

    I have just 2 Questions:
    1. Isn’t The Warrior better than Total Synergistics? I did not get much burn with the latter.
    So can i replace it with the Warrior?
    2. Can i CLUB the day 5 & 6 workouts together like in Double Friday? Or will i get better
    results with the 6 day workout routine? (I also have Insanity Max 30 – if you advise, i can
    also insert the Friday Fight 1 into the calendar. The reason i ask is, i love ending my week
    with a blast that makes me feel on top of the world.)

    • John T says:

      Hi Dolph–thanks for the questions. I can’t say whether Total Syn or Warrior is better one way or the other as they are different workouts with different objectives, but feel free to replace if you like. And yes it’s okay to do a double Friday, your results will probably not be affected better or worse with such a small modification.